Coming Full Circle. New Year 2015. Home.



I’m not even sure where to begin. I’m not only reflecting on 2014, but also feel that this point in my life is a significant culmination of the past 4 years altogether, especially.

I’ve been writing privately about it and collecting thoughts over the past 4 years, potentially will share it all some day, but at this moment I want to share a little piece.

I started writing this post shortly after I had finished a deep 2 hour phone conversation with my boyfriend, Daniel, trying to explain more about the crazy highs and lows of the last 4 years of my life. We’ve talked about them many times, but this time in particular it was special because of the New Year, the point we are in our relationship, and also having seen many heartfelt posts over the past 24 hours that are causing me to reflect on a much deeper level than ever before.

In 2010 I was thrown into one of the biggest fires I’ve seen to this day. I was exponentially skyrocketed to the highest of highs in my life, and then at the same rate to the lowest of lows, twice in less than 3 years. I met some of the most incredible, mind-blowing people and have experienced many unique, life-changing moments, both good and bad. I couldn’t have planned this life if I tried, and I would not trade it for the world.

It was only when I removed myself that I was able to peel the caked Koolaid off of my skin and to find the ground again, to find home again.

When you remove the labels and layers, what really matters is love. Love for your family, love for your friends, love for yourself and for your roots. Never forget your roots. Everything comes full circle (including love 😉 )…

I am surrounded by family, friends and love, and feel more grounded than ever before. Every experience and every interaction has brought me here, and I wouldn’t imagine it any other way. Thanks to everyone I know for the amazing ride. Let’s #keepmovingforward… <3